2D Commercial Animation This commercial teaser that ordered by an online educational institution, is created by Gunay Studio and designed and directed by Keyvan Malek Mohammadi. As a specifications of this teaser the design of the custom-built main character who is considered as the key in advertising of this collection, can be mentioned. 2D Commercial…
Author: mahsa hakimzadeh
PlanyDo uses AI(artificial intelligence) for mixing personnel skills and working times with multiple projects considering required tasks and Generates best solution/gantt-chart/ToDo List to finish Projects in its best way. This online project management tool was originally designed by Keyvan MalekMohammadi, the founder and CEO of Gunay Studio, for internally use in this studio. Later on,…
The mobile game, “Khak” had gained the fist place award in technical part at the Digital Medias 10th Festival. Mr.Keyvan Malekmohamadi, Gunay studio’s CEO and Khah’s designer and directer, got apart in this festival as the studio’s agent. Digital Media’s 10th Festival held out with the participation of digital media’s several critics and experts in…